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Sometimes there are moments from our birth that linger on through our mothering journeys, an ache that has been caused because our emotional safety was not honoured. Perhaps you felt there was no time to process or integrate your experiences or your birth story.
There is nothing more sacred than bringing forth life. There is much fear and unknown tied up with how we birth - this can often lead to birth perhaps not going how we envisioned or how we had it planned. Please do not under estimate the impact this can have on your inner world and the follow on impact this can have on your mothering experience. Motherhood is not revered in our modern society and so you may have been told ‘at least you have a healthy baby’ . Birth trauma is real and it is all pervading. Sometimes even the way you were spoken to can trigger a sense of disconnect and disempowerment. Birth healing sessions are 45 minutes long and I hope you will leave feeling lighter and more peaceful as you begin your healing journey and your journey back to yourself.
This is an opportunity to have your story heard and your feelings acknowledged and validated. I can support you to unpack your feelings about what happened and to understand how it is still impacting on your day to day life now. Together we can explore how you would like to feel if these feelings/ways of responding were lifted. At the end of the session we can practice relaxation and imagine your future free of those feelings whilst deeply relaxed.
Birth story listening sessions are 45 minutes long and take place online via Zoom.
Each session will last 45 minutes. During this time I want to offer you the space to express anything that is on your heart. My intention for the session is for you to feel deeply held and supported in your feelings. Birth is a monumental moment and there will be much for you to integrate from your experiences.
Here I have highlighted the general format that each session will follow so that you can be prepared before we begin. Of course this is entirely flexible and will vary based upon what you need.
* Prior to each session I will be in touch via email or phone to understand what it is you would most like to receive from our time together. This will ensure we are right on path to bring the relief you are looking for.
* We will open the session with listening to your story. Please know that I am here for YOU. Please take all the time you need. It is deeply important to me that your story is honoured, heard and witnessed.
* We will then move in to understanding the ways your birth and your experiences during your birth are still affecting you in your day to day. How is what happened then, impacting you now.
*Slowly we will move in to how life would look if you were able to be free from this hurt and free from any pain you are carrying.
*If you would like we can finish the session with a healing meditation to help you receive the session and slowly embody all we have spoken of.
Please note I am not a medical professional. If you feel that you are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress please visit your GP and seek referral to a qualified professional that can help you within a clinical setting.
I know first hand just how lonely it can feel when you emerge from your birth journey holding trauma in your heart. I found it so hard to open up to anyone close to me about the pain I was carrying. Our modern culture does not prioritise, hold or revere the emotional safety of the mother. Not only will this impact how we birth and increase our chances of experiencing trauma in the first place, it will directly impact our relationship to motherhood, our babies and ourselves.
If this is a service that resonates with you, I would absolutely love to chat some more.
Please follow the book now link below.
Free Support via Webchat . Book a session with me via the Australian Birth Trauma Association (ABTA) by clicking the link below.